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Sharing Pride Month With Kids:

9 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month

Posted 03/31/2023 by Boys & Girls Clubs of America in Parent Resources

Happy Pride Month! Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ (LGBTQ) Pride Month spotlights LGBTQ culture, rights and identity – looking to the struggles and achievements of the past while working toward a more inclusive future.

During June each year, there are lots of opportunities for all kids to celebrate Pride Month through activities that are fun, informative and – most of all – show the importance of inclusion and affirmation of who you are.

What is Pride Month?

Pride Month honors the identity, rights and inclusion of LGBTQ people in our nation, celebrating their place in American history and future. As the month’s name implies, it’s a time of pride, affirmation and celebration for who you are, as well as political advocacy to further inclusivity.

Throughout the month of June, communities and organizations celebrate the voices and culture of LGBTQ people through marches, parades, political activism, performances and celebrations of life to those who lost their lives to HIV/AIDS.

When is Pride Month?

Pride Month takes place in June every year, honoring June 1969 which served as a turning point in the fight for LGBTQ rights in the United States. That June, the Stonewall Uprising – where patrons of a popular New York City establishment stood up to police raids – spurred protests that would become the start of the modern LGBTQ movement.

The next year, the very first Pride march was held in June, and since then communities have gathered together to celebrate Pride through marches, advocacy and celebrations. In 2000, President Bill Clinton officially recognized June as Pride Month as an annual observance of the history, contribution and rights of LGBTQ people in America.

Why is Pride Month Important for Kids?

According to the Human Rights Campaign, LGBTQ youth say the most important problem they face right now is a lack of acceptance from their family. They’re also two times as likely to say they have been harassed and called names at school.

Unsurprisingly, this lack of acceptance and a support system has a negative impact on LGBTQ youth mental health, with LGBTQ youth suicide becoming an urgent priority – according to the Trevor Project’s 2022 survey, nearly half (45%) of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide within the past year.

At Boys & Girls Clubs, one thing we’ve learned after more than 160 years of serving youth is that a sense of belonging is everything. With a foundation of safety and acceptance, kids are more likely to get involved, make new friends, and build skills to support their success.

LGBTQ youth who find their school to be affirming of their identity reported lower rates of attempting suicide. Boys & Girls Clubs provide LGBTQ youth space to be themselves, caring adults who listen and services to build healthy coping skills, self-esteem and more.

Celebrating Pride Month helps LGBTQ youth and adults feel safe, affirmed and welcome within your home, school, Club or community. Plus, creating a safe place where people can be themselves benefits all – when people see others included, they are more likely to feel included, too.

We can all work to be more informed and inclusive friends and allies of the LGBTQ kids and adults in our lives.

How to Explain Pride Month to Kids

When talking about Pride Month with kids in your life, here are some ways to share the month on a kid-friendly level. Always adjust your conversations for your child’s age and development:

  • Share that Pride Month is a time of celebration.
    If you’re celebrating Pride through activities or attending a local event, your kid will see firsthand how fun, vibrant and colorful this celebration is. Everyone is welcome and being unique is celebrated. In fact, the Pride Month flag visually represents how beautiful something can be when every color of the rainbow is represented.
  • Use a casual tone that creates trust and minimizes stereotypes.
    How you talk about people builds your child’s early understanding of the world and can impact their own judgements, biases and empathy toward others and themselves. By talking about LGBTQ identity and creating a casual, judgment-free zone, you can help break generations of stereotyping and othering LGBTQ people. Ask open-ended questions to gauge your child’s knowledge and thoughts, do not use labels that perpetuate stereotypes, and be honest about what you do and do not know. This approach might also support your kid if they are wondering about a friend’s or their own sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. and shows that you’re always available to talk through what’s going on in their lives.
  • Talk about the LGBTQ experience in kid-friendly terms.
    Your child doesn’t need to know every detail of the Stonewall Uprising to understand Pride Month. You can keep conversations general while speaking to the power of acceptance and inclusion – “Do you see how all these people are celebrating? For a long time, they weren’t allowed to be who they were. Have you ever felt like that? It feels really bad, right? They’re celebrating because being who you are is awesome.” Older kids can delve more into the history of LGBTQ rights in America, advocacy and more.

9 Ways to Celebrate Pride Month for Kids of All Ages

Now that you’ve set the tone for your Pride Month celebrations, here are fun ways to celebrate Pride Month, whether you’re going out or staying in:

Find Pride Month Activities Local to You

  • Get out and celebrate. To get the full experience, attend a local Pride march, parade or festival.
  • Experience LGBTQ voices. Research local museum exhibits, art shows, or performances near you this June that highlight LGBTQ voices and experiences.

Pride Month Activities for Kids to Do at School & Home


  • Ignite critical thinking and discussion with teens on LGBTQ representation and rights.
    • Did you know GLAAD creates a “Where We Are on TV” report? Discuss the findings and talk about LGBTQ representation in pop culture, what teens are watching, etc.
    • Today’s teens will likely see connections in the Black Lives Matters Movement to the Stonewall Uprising and Gay Liberation Movement. Discuss bias within systems and communities, and what teens think is needed to inspire positive change.
    • Learn how to be an ally and an advocate.
      Check out these tips on being an ally and supporter to LGBTQ youth. Consider making posters or signs to place around your home, school or Club with welcoming phrases like – “You are perfect just the way you are.” / “Everyone is welcome here!” / “This is a safe place to be yourself.” – or have kids make up their own. Older teens can learn about advocacy, including contacting state and local representatives to express your support for policies that protect the rights of everyone.


  • Choose an LGBTQ cause to support.
    As a family, consider donating to an organization that supports LGBTQ+ rights, such as the Human Rights Campaign, the Trevor Project and more, and talk about the importance of supporting causes that matter to you.
  • Keep celebrating LGBTQ inclusion year-round.
    Model the way for a more inclusive future for generations to come.

We hope you join Boys & Girls Clubs nationwide in celebrating Pride Month. Clubs are committed to equity and inclusion for all – and that starts with giving millions of kids and teens a place to belong, know their value and reach their full potential.

If you or someone you know needs suicide prevention support, seek help immediately. You can call the free, confidential National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) at any time. You can also contact the Trevor Project , the leading national organization in providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention support for LGBTQ+ youth under the age of 25.


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